In keeping with blogging tradition, I’ve written 100 things about myself, since this is my official 100th post! Aren't we cute?
1 I love night snow in early December,
2 I love Christmas.
3 I love to organize anything,
4 but hate to tidy things up.
5 I think flowers are candy for the eyes.
6 I married Elvis and he is still in the building.
7 I have four awesome children,
8 and one sweet little girl waiting for me in heaven.
9 I'm a interior decorator in a former life.
10 I have home educated all my children through several paradigm changes
11 and they still love me.
12 I spent my teenage and early adult years mastering my passion for sewing
13 and then burned out.
14 I struggle to hem pants.
15 I buy my clothes at Good Will and garage sales.
16 And they look great!
17 My childhood passions were decorating cardboard boxes with Sears catalogue furniture and carpet pictures.
18 I loved to play school.
19 I was always the teacher, librarian and Mom - always
20 -hey nothing has changed!
21 In my next life I want to be a concert pianist and do ballet.
22 I love healthy eating and learning new things.
23I hate commercial TV.
24 I hate TV commercials even more,
25 but do love a good movie now and then.
26 I was saved and baptised at 17.
27 I am grateful for His grace in my life.
28 He is the only one who really knows me.
29 I love my Bible and the life that springs from it in my quiet times.
30 I love to keep a Bible notebook.
31 I never went to college and I'm glad.
32 I would not have survived.
33 The only thing I ever wanted to be in my life was a wife and mommy.
34 Hey again - nothing has changed!
35 I already have 3 of 25 grandchildren.
36 I adore my grandchildren;
37 they seem like they are my own.
38 I learned much of how to be a grandmother by my mother 's example.
39 I love to cook but not bake cakes.
40 I am rediscovering the beauty of raw chocolate.
41 I love being a woman.
42 I love to dress like a lady.
43 I'm a hopeless romantic, in my dreams only.
44 I'm actually quite choleric.
45 I'm glad one of my four children was a girl;
46I would have at least had one of my boys in pink ruffles, if I didn't.
47 I had my dream came true when I had boy and girl twins.
48They are my pride and joy
49 They were what held me together during some hard times.
50 They were my morning shift
51 Then I had a 10 year gap.
52 I love having two boys last.
53 They were my afternoon shift.
54 I never had a midnight shift,
55 -wish I had.
56 My favorite music is by Frank Mills.
57 My baby and I used to dance to it before she died.
58 I'm Canadian,
59 Eh?
60 (I do not know anyone who actually says that)
61 We live in Washington State.
62 Some say my "accent" still gives me away
63 My school yearbook said I wanted to travel after grad.
64 I have never gone anywhere.
65 My children have gone all over the world.
66 I love my reformed church.
67 I have an insatiable hunger to learn;
68 Computers are not logical.
69 I can't type.
70 I can and do order more books than I ever could possibly read
71 I used to play the baritone but now I don't.
72 I'm a budget believer and get a charge out of saving money
73 My mother is a garden guru,
74 I'm not.
75 My father played pool with Gandhi,
76 I didn't.
77 My children grew up too fast,
78 I didn't want to grow up at all.
79 My husband is a engineer manager,
80 and a very good one.
81 I'm a domestic engineer,
82 and getting better.
83 I love tropical fruit.
84 I should have grown up in Hawaii.
85 When alone I love to turn up the music loud and dance my heart out.
86 Nobody knows that.
87 I love health and vitality and have fought for it all my life.
88 My oldest son had cancer last year.
89 I wanted to throw up instead of him.
90 I kept seeing him as a little boy holding my hand.
91 I wanted to protect him;
92 but he was too big.
93 Music fills my lungs with hope
94 One day I will see my Saviors face
95 and He will say by his grace alone,
96 "Well done, good and faithful servant"
97 I can trust Him for that.
98 I obviously cannot count to one hundred...
99 very well...
100 at all!
Sigh, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"No, not really"
1 comment:
that was a beautiful little bit of insight into your life. i loved reading it. even i didn't know that you turned up the music and danced your little heart out when no one was around. but your secret is out!
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