Friday, February 1, 2008

5 Alive and Healthy

230 LB Psalm

Strict is my diet

I must not want

It maketh me to lie down at night hungry

It leadeth me past Baskin Robbins

It tryeth my will power

It leadeth me in the paths of starvation for my figures sake

Yea, though I walk through the isle of the pastry department

I will buy no sweet rolls

For they are fattening

Thy cake and thy pies, they tempt me.

Before me is a table with celery and lettuce

My days quota runneth over

Surely calories and weigh charts will follow me all the days of my life

And I will dwell in the fear of the scales forever.

As January has finally come to a close, I am surveying all that I did accomplish in this month by setting the goal to get organized and focus. Much has been done but I'm not going to get bogged down on what didn't get done. I can do a little more as time goes on in spare moments here and there.

Onto Fabulous February, a month of heart health (apparently sponsored by Marie Osmond), love, wearing red and Valentine's Day.

My new goal for this month is something that I have never done before-at least publicly. In light of my chosen Bloggy Give away last month- Perfect weight America by Jordon Rubin, (which has not been chosen yet-to be announced) I am leaning towards getting back into line what has been slipping out of line in the last couple of years.

I'm talking pounds! fat! flab! flubber!

I have never had much of a weight problem, except after giving birth, and then I usually got it back in control as soon as I could. But here I am over the big hill (I'll let you figure out which hill) and I am now having to be a little more careful with my weight. So, I am planning on posting both my progress, recipes and principles that I have applied through the past years - only pressed a little harder now.

Furthermore, I'd like to stress that I do not believe in diets. (The above poem is for humor sake only) Truly, if you can go on a diet, you can go off a diet, causing a see saw in your thinking and in your weight which effects your health and makes future weight loss very difficult.

Rather, I will be readjusting old bad habits back into good ones and letting the weight fall off. We'll be discussing food combinations, choices, good calories/bad calories, healthy fat/unhealthy fat, carbs, fiber, water, temptations, excersize and plenty more. If you care to join me, I'd be honored. My goal is to not loose weight but to regain health-via loosing 5 lbs! (Does that make sense?)

For anyone who does join me I just may have a another independent give away at the end of the month. If you have more than 5 lbs to loose- that's ok. (So do I) All we are going to work on this month is 5 pounds! We're taking baby steps here. Next month you can choose your next goal.

Whenever I have lost weight I have felt more alive, energized and more in control of myself and my emotions so, 5 alive and healthy is my theme for February.